
Arsiana is a company founded by the Municipality of Raša to implement projects that valorize the mining heritage of Raša. It was named after the Rašanka, a historically unjustly neglected figure, a miner's wife who, in addition to being the pillar of every family, also performed auxiliary mining jobs. Arsiana has prepared mining tours called "Kova experince" for you to travel in a time machine to the time of the Raša mine and experience a day in the life of a miner.

1928. - 1966.

Step back in time to the era of the Raša mine.


Kova experience​

Step into history by reviving the mining past of Raša in a unique tour –
Kova experience! Experience the incredible adventure of entering into a mine of black gold and live a day in the life of a miner.

Arsiana offers mining tours for visitors that bring back to
life the past of Raša and provide a unique experience of entering the
mine. From 1928 to 1966, the Raša Mine employed more than 10,000
miners who dug the so-called black gold – coal, which has nourished
